If you need to change the bag size for your shipment, we offer an easy way for you to make that change online. Changing your bag size will require you to print a new shipping label. However, please keep in mind you will not be able to change the bag size if your shipment has already been shipped. Please refer to our article titled "Choose a Bag Size" to determine which bag size you should select for your shipment.
1. Edit order screen.
First, you will need to go to the edit order screen to change your bag size. Navigate to ShipSticks.com, click on My Account > Shipments, choose the shipment you would like to change, and click "Edit Shipment."
2. Click on Change/Add.
Once on the edit order screen, click "Change/Add" under the Bags section.
3. Make your changes.
By selecting the "Item type" field, you can change the bag size for each item in your shipment. Once you've made the changes you'd like, click "Save & Continue."
4. Review your changes.
The next screen shows a summary of your order and any additional fees. If you have increased the bag size and weight, additional charges will reflect here. If you have decreased the bag size and weight, a refund will reflect here. Click on "Continue" to move to the next screen.
5. Process your changes.
The next screen charges any necessary fees to your credit card on file. Click on the green button that will either say Pay or Refund to continue.
6. Confirmation receipt.
The last screen will reflect the new changes to your order. You will also receive an email from us that will reflect any changes that you made. Changes to the bag size will require you to print a new label for your shipment.
If you have any issues changing your bag size, please contact us and we can assist you further.