Before shipping to a hotel or resort, contact the location to make sure they will accept your shipment upon delivery, verify the address where they accept shipments, and ask where to collect your shipment from upon arrival. Additionally, some hotels have charge fees to receive shipments, so please ask about any required fees from your hotel ahead of time.
Hotel Acceptance: Before shipping, verify with your hotel or resort that they can accept your shipment. Some establishments may lack the necessary space to accommodate deliveries, especially if they are large or numerous, or they might have restrictions on storage duration.
Verify the Delivery Address: Confirm the specific delivery address for your shipment with your hotel or resort. Some locations may require you to ship to a particular address based on their operational setup, such as a central receiving area, the front desk, or directly to your room or play area.
Arrival Instructions: Ask your hotel or resort where you can expect to pick up your shipment once you arrive. Knowing the exact location—whether it’s the front desk, a concierge service, or a specific storage room—will save you time and hassle upon arrival.
Potential Fees: Be aware that some hotels or resorts may charge package handling or storage fees. These fees are not associated with our service and can vary by location. It is important to inquire about any potential charges beforehand, as Ship Sticks is not responsible for any third-party fees.
By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your delivery is seamless. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us.